Sunday, 18 February 2007

Blog Comments

1. What do you think of our blog?

What do you particularly like about it? What's especially impressive?

What could be improved? What's missing or could be added?

2. Based on what you've read on the blog (and maybe seen in test screenings in class) what suggestions do you have regarding what we could do to make our Practical Production really successful?

What other things could we include in the production?

How should we go about filming any remaining scenes or editing the footage during post-production (+ suggestions for music, etc.)?


The Rose Mob said...

Your research is good, although some footage would be good as it would allow the audience to understand what your concept is about.

Try to get hold of some artists, and interview them on their opinions.

A panning shot of a wall with graffiti with someone narrating over explaining it.


Its A Womans World said...

blog loooksss really goodddd.... your daily reports are REALLY detailed.. more like a storyy lol but interesting so you no how much you have progressed... try adding some of your footage anddd the videos added are goodd aswelll.. great job .. well done!

xXx BaZza xXx

Kirandeep said...

1. By viewing some of the footage in class i think you guys have done a great job, your footage is realistic and is going to engage your audience straight away

2. One thing which you might look to improve on is the lighting however i understand that you want it to be realistic and therefore it is in the dark, also you might want to consider the fact that it is quite difficult to hear what they are saying in the footage

Overall, even though every production needs work on your production is going to be good as it is on something which has not yet be done good luck

Anonymous said...

lookin good, alot of research and very detailed progress reports which is good..try add some footage of your work so far..


-[[ .K.a.S.h.M.i.R. ]]- said...

1. Your blogs really detailed and interesting so well done. You could try and put some of your footage up or something to add to it all.

2. Your footage was good but you couldnt really hear much. I've seen some of the interviews through Vishna and it all looks really good.

Good Luck..


Eating disorder said...

* So far your blog looks good, as you have written detailed progress reports and you went to visit an exhibition which is good.

* The footage we saw in class was good but you couldn’t hear much and the lighting wasn’t that good, but you were recording in the dark so it looks realistic.

* You could post some footage/pictures up of when you are on location

Keep up the good work:)
.. neema

Islamophobia said...

1. I think your research is really good, i especially like the research on 'Banksy',as it fits really well into your genre.
2. You could add sections of the filming you have done so far and images of the places you have visited.
3.I think you should definitely include 'Banksy' in your production.


x Wild disorder x said...

* Your blog looks good so far as you have a lot of research, i like the topic that you are focusing interesting finding out why people tend do this???

* The types of shots you should use is long shots and pans of variety of graffiti.

* Also try and add some footage on to your blog as we are able to comment on it and give you more ideas!

* Overall, it looks good, keep the good work up and good luck...

x Hardy x

The Morea's said...

i like ur blog with full detailed progress reports and research, i think u should add some footage of the interviews and some footage of the graffiti youve filmed it will look good.
for the post production, u can add parallel music which for example might be rap music when showing the graffitis.
i think the blog look really good with a lot of pictures and videos and really detailed progress reports and lot of research.

good luck for the editing

Kunal said...

-Lots of in depth analysis and research has been posted up on your blog. Looking forward to seeing this documentary as you’ve chosen an interesting topic. Also, there are some good detailed progress reports which are good as they make it easier for others to monitor your progress. Well done for getting hold of experts for your doc… will really add a sense of professionalism
You could possibly start to upload shots/stills of work so far so that you can receive some imput and ideas from other groups. Other than that your blog is good. Nice to have it simple so people can actually read it!

When you start editing you could possibly create a montage sequence that contrasts legal graffiti vs. illegal graffiti. Could also include some archive footage of graffiti clean up operations by local councils etc. When you show your professional interviews don’t just let them run straight through. Instead, show shots which are relevant to the speech as they talk as it will make it far more visual and interesting to watch. Music –>Urban

Good luck with everything and well done…


The Morea's said...

The research posted up is very detailed- like your progress reports which is very good. Also the pictures make your blog interesting and attractive.
To improve, you could post up some current footage you have produced.
For post production, use a parallel soundtrack such as rnb hiphop or rap to appeal to the narrative.

Its A Womans World said...

You guys have obviously done alot of research onto this topic... and hopefully you've got your interviews from the BBC and the Guardian sorted aswell, as this would really make ur documentary look professional.

Add some pictures to allow the audience to understand what your documentary is about...
I dont know if you've done this or not..but one of the group members should appear in ramone graffin...and have a personal interview..!!
It looks pretty good though!!
Pooja x

Athar Mahmood said...

i think ur blog luks reeli interestin...bre informative...erm da colours fit well wid ur topic...

theres alot of research and 1 of ur group members thinks hes a pro at graf(RAMONE lol) erm so yeh u lot alreddy have easy access dat u probably need 2 film...
2. 4rm wt we saw in class..luks lyk ramones wnts 2 die reeli quik and that other guy that woz kikin in da glas window had sum serious anger management but yeh woz real footage and it was hand held giving it a really gud feel to the shot...
3. i think probably less of the illegal vandalism ....and more focusin on the lives that were lost because of this...n hopefully SOME ppl can lern 4rm this and stay away from the tracks...

i think that old kelly rowland...stole is a gud song to go with the lives were lost because of all this bizarre graff craze

gud luck wid the rest of it...

Its A Womans World said...

your blog is very ermm....nice and plain.i think vishnas comments are very good and detailed.
try to add some images and footage of youtube,and some newspaper clips of graffing images.rather good work overall.
good luk

thelavishlife said...

Your blog shows that you’ve really planned everything, your research is very detailed and it shows you have a clear understanding of what to do.
I think you should try and use a variety of angles to make it look interesting. Also, I think you should post up the footage you already have.

Eating disorder said...

the blog is coming along really well and you have included detailed and structured information. I can see that you have researched deeply into the topic as you have alot of good background information included.

try and add your footage to the blog...the footage i saw in class was very good and VERY realistic.

keep up the good work!!

aLL foR a BoY said...

*I think your blog looks really Descriptive and shows tht you clearly know what you will be doing. You can see that you have researched and know enough background research in order to actually make a documentary on a topic like this..
*I remember Ramone showed me some footage and from what i saw it looked really good. Maybe you should think about putting some footage up or even still images of when you lot have been out filming on th blog..
*For post production you should consider using parallel music in the end, perhaps a slow, sad song and still images of what the outcome could be??

Good luck for post production..


Kirandeep said...

1)i think the blog is up to date with all the recent things you have been doing...e.g the exebition you went to...

2)you could put up some more pictures..or the music which will be used

3)you could use a variety of would be good to show all the different graffitti

Kirandeep Jheita

Karandeep said...

1. Your topics original and something that aint been covered before. Add more research to the blog though to improve it.

2. Make use of a range of shots and stuff asides from that sounds interesting


Athar Mahmood said...

1. your blog luks nice and smart.. the filming that u showd us..yhh was good as in it was raw footage which looked good.. the camera shacking n stuff n running wiv the camera added to it.

2. however.. i fink i can only use this footage for a short while just to show how some grafers can be... but u need normal camera shots and stuff.. and interviewing proper artist and there opinions would be realy interesting.


..eCmO.. said...

SICKK work, just hope no1 G's u up to feds. saw your footage in class and it looks jokes

improvemants made can be to "whack me up" sumwhere in gtown and have it as an opening scene!!

but on a level u guys have put in a lot off effort and detail so good luck


Athar Mahmood said...

looks good.. you've done your research which is really good and some of it is quite interesting..

i saw your footage in class and it looks wikid.. just kinda scary jumping on train tracks like that!

to improve your blog, you could add footage of what you've done and pictures of you lot shooting..

good luck with it!


thelavishlife said...

your blog looks good theres alot of wrok posted up-research looks good...havnt seen your fotage but from what iv read cant wait to see it!! blog look well planned out..n da topic looks diff t everyone elses...


Kunal said...

your blog is really good and is very detailed as you have done so much research and included some relevant photos of graffiti (sikkk graff). the topic itself is very good and i cant wait to see the end product.

try and add some videos of what you have filmed and add interviews with the public, maybe the people wo deal with graffiti or the people on the train tracks who clean up the graff etc. make sure a good voice over is used along with some sound to attract the audience.

keep up the good work


The Morea's said...

You have alot of interesting research in your blog and I think that you could do alot with your production after seeing what it's all about. Your blog though I think needs a little bit more information about your own footage so that we can get a real image of what your working towards. Although I think that you should add moving images to your blog to make it more interesting.


aLL foR a BoY said...

i think your blog is looking good. the research done is very detailed the progress reoprts are very detailed and explained.try to include some footage on your blog of what you've done so far.
you could use parallel music it would go well with your production.

Unknown said...

1) Your blog is looking great, it is very informative and detailed and suggests exactly what you are trying to achieve in your production.

2)From what i saw of your footage it looks great and really does catch the audience and actually seems interesting. The entire 'dark night' and moving camera emphasises the reality which really gets the audiences attention...well it did get mine!
-good luck, hope it all carries on going well


Chintan said...

1. Good, solid research and pictures/photos of graffiti. Also the progress reports show that lots of work is being put into the producton.

2. More individual contribution from the team, its a team effort.
Also you could maybe post up some of the footage you have got onto your blog.

3. Camera movements such as panning and tilting will work well for this.

4. I think that the music you chose must be right, as it will be important and will make it more professional.

Athar Mahmood said...

Your blog is very good as it contains up to date research in good amounts of detail and also events are written as they are done which shows a goood commitment.

To improve i think there could be more footage of potentially well known artists (legal artists)


Final Beat said...

1. I like the way you have researched toughly in the documentary style that you are looking at the genre. I didn’t know a lot about the subject and your blog help learn something about the documentary style that you are addressing.
2. May be you could post some of your footage
3. May be you could have some interviews with some graffiti artists and them ask them what they feel about it or even Vox pops

Sundeep kahlon

Nikki said...

The blog is simple and constructed so the layout is perfect. It's detailed and well explained so well done.

In the production you could interview someone that is a graffiti artist with a tagged wall in the back (if that makes sense..?) with them explaining the art of graffiti. Hope that helps :)