Sunday, 4 February 2007

"Graffiti Is An Alter-Ego" - INFAMY A Graffiti Documentary

"Graffiti Is An Alter-Ego"
"It's not really like an addiction but like a sickness"
"You cannot control yourself once you start, unless you really understand what you doin"
"The reppetitiveness of it gets really addicting"
"Graffiti is about being loved, hated, whatever just being recognised"
"Its somebody's alter-ego and its telling its own story"
Quotes from the opening scene of a graffiti documentary.
This documentary contains alot of gritty realism, it has many interviews and alot of pictures and small clips of footage of graffiti while interviews are taking place. This particular documentary i thought does well with editing, the interviews had alot of truth in them and every one being interviewed expresses jus what they feel when they are "graffing" and what they gain from doing so. However at some points edits are just blank screens which does not look good in any way.

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